Keep track of your job applications.|Job Search Spreadsheet|Keep track of your job applications by JM&Co Recruitment in Brackley, Northamptonshire.

Keep track of your job applications.

When searching for a job, it can be easy to lose track of the jobs you have applied for, and the progress of each application.  Keeping a record of your job applications and job application progress is crucial for managing any job search journey effectively. In this blog post, we will discuss how to keep a record of your job applications and the progress of your job search journey. Keep track of your job applications by JM&Co Recruitment in Brackley, Northamptonshire. Keep track of your job applications by JM&Co Recruitment in Brackley, Northamptonshire.

Create a Search Spreadsheet to keep track of your job applications.

One of the easiest ways to keep track of any vacancy applications and application progress is by creating a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can include columns for the job title, company name, date applied, status of application (e.g., submitted, under review, rejected), and notes on any follow-up actions taken. For example: Job Search Spreadsheet By using a spreadsheet, you can easily sort and filter your applications based on different criteria, such as application status or job title. This can help you to stay organized and ensure that you follow up on each application appropriately.

Set Reminders and Follow to keep track of your applications.

Once you have submitted an application, it's important to follow up with the employer after a few days. This will help to ensure that your application has been received, and to reiterate your interest in the position. To keep track of your follow-up actions, set reminders in your calendar or in a to-do list app. This will help to ensure that you don't forget to follow up on an application and that you stay on top of your job search journey.

Utilise recruitment search apps.

Another effective way to keep track of your job applications and application progress is by using job search apps.  Many job search apps, such as Indeed or Glassdoor, allow you to save vacancy postings and track the application status. These apps can also send you notifications when there are updates to your applications or when new job postings become available. By using job search apps, you can manage your job search journey on-the-go and stay on top of your job applications.

Conclusion when keeping track of your job applications

Keeping a record of your job applications and application progress is essential for managing your search effectively. By creating a spreadsheet, setting reminders and follow-up actions, and utilising job search apps, you can stay organised and ensure that you follow up on each application appropriately.  Remember to keep notes on any communication with potential employers, including phone calls or email exchanges. This will help you to stay on top of your job search journey and ensure that you are prepared for any interviews or follow-up actions that may be required. Good luck on your career journey!   (Ref :JM-230323)



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