Video interviewing tools for recruitment partners|Interview with confidence|Interview up to 9 people|Record video interviews for the hiring team|Your marketing for your job vacancy|Easy access for your hiring team|Interview from anywhere around the globe|Easy access for your hiring team|Your marketing for your job vacancy|Record video interviews for the hiring team|Interview up to 9 people|Interview with confidence|Video interview tools for recruitment partners|Video job interview tools for hiring companies

We all have video tech, right?  But our video interviewing technology is a little special!   🎥 Did you know JM&Co. offer client branded live-feed video interviewing for up to 8 interviewers (and 1 interviewee), all of whom can be located in independent offices anywhere around the world:

  • No downloads.
  • No app necessity.
  • Reliable patented multi-streaming video feeds.

We have two systems available for our clients, one that offers low-bandwidth for a video stream of up to 9 people, and another for up to 3 people that offers more of a corporate look and feel. Here are some highlights:   

Up to 9 people on screen!

Availability for up to 9 participants ‘on the screen’ within one video stream!  There is also an option for other business members to join and observe.     

All browser-based.

The video call is available via PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone or any web and video enabled device.  No downloads, no installation and no apps necessary (an android / iOS app is available however, if preferred!).     

One click entry.

Additional interviewers can be invited to your video call by simply sending a link within the browser at the time of the video call, resulting in 1 click entry.  This is really useful when you would like to quickly invite a colleague or team manager, who may have just become available, to join an interview.  


Stability in video service, irrespective of poor internet connection, as a bandwidth of 1,5 Mbit/sec is maintained at all times regardless of there being 1 or 9 attendees!  Great for mobiles!  

Record your meeting.

Record an interview (with the candidates consent of course!) to view at a later time or at point of offer.  

Client branding.

Your video meeting room can be client branded with a company specific landing page / header.      

Get in touch to find out how partnering with JM&Co. Recruitment can enable Live Stream video interviewing as part of your recruitment process, we'd love to share details with you!
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