Are you looking for help with your interviews?

How to get the best out of your Interviews

A guide for interviews and/or meetings. No matter whether you are the recruiter or a job seeker, an interview can be a daunting prospect. In a short space of time, recruiters must determine the suitability of a candidate, while applicants look to showcase their best self. Irrespective of the types of interview, one thing that we regularly hear from both parties is that although they enjoyed the interview… it was, and felt like an interview! Opening the interview process up to a more fluid conversation form not only helps to ensure recruiters are able to get the answers to the questions that they want to know, but it also lets candidates learn more about the role and company. However, holding an engaging ‘conversation’ outside of the common interview questions can be a challenge.  Many of us struggle to engage in an interview situation, especially with those we do not know. To help you, here are some top tips (for interviewers and candidates) to get the most out of the interview process:  

Change your mindset

This is an important step for any conversation you hold, not just in an interview situation. If you find that interviews or meetings seem to follow a similar pattern, then look at altering your mindset. Rather than reeling off prepared questions or answers, focus on speaking from your heart and with a positive energy. A conversation should be two ways.  So while you want to get your own points across, make sure you are also listening to the other side and bouncing off what they say.  

Ask the right types of questions

One of the best ways to enjoy a broader conversation is to ask enquiring questions to illicit more in-depth answers and information from the other party. These questions should invite them to share a little more during the conversation, allowing you to get to know them or the company a little better.  

Initiate the 'authenticity'

If you are looking for a more flowing conversation, then you should let your conversation flow as well. When we are with friends or people we know, we are more likely to be ourselves, but with strangers, we tend to become more nervous and reactive in our answers. So, if you are seeking a more individually focused conversation with other people, make an effort to be proactive with your questions during your interviews.  This will help drive the authenticity.  

Choose your words carefully during your interviews

Of course, while you want to be driving conversation and showcasing your best self or business, it is important that you still choose your words carefully. The idea of an interview is to sell your company or yourself to the other party.  To help do this, remain open and friendly while not appearing too dominant during the conversation.  

Have the right attitude for your interviews

One of the major pillars of an individualistic conversation is to approach it with the right attitude. When you are confident in your attitude, you appear more positive and welcoming to the other party.  This helps them to feel more relaxed and willing to engage in conversation.

How can I improve my confidence in interview?

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