Writing a Winning Job Email: Your Key to Local Job Success!

Writing a Winning Job Email: Your Key to Local Job Success!

In today's competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is crucial when seeking employment in the local Brackley, Silverstone, Towcester, Buckingham, Banbury, Bicester, and surrounding areas. One powerful tool at your disposal is a well-crafted, well-written email that grabs the attention of potential employers. 

Battersea Power Station - 540,000 sq ft of office space!

Invitation to see works carried out at Battersea Power Station redevelopment.

Very privileged to be invited to look round such an iconic building. Split into retail, apartments and 540,000 sq ft of office space… it’s hard to imagine how it all fits together! #Battersea

The approach to Battersea Power Station.

The approach to Battersea Power Station

How to get the best out of your interviews

How to get the best out of your Interviews

A guide for interviews and/or meetings. No matter whether you are the recruiter or a job seeker, an interview can be a daunting prospect. In a short space of time, recruiters must determine the suitability of a candidate, while applicants look to showcase their best self. Irrespective of the types of interview, one thing that we regularly hear from both parties is that although they enjoyed the interview… it was, and felt like an interview! Opening the interview process up to a more fluid conversation for

How to be more confident in your next meeting

How to be more confident in your next meeting

  Whether it is a job interview, a presentation to a colleague or a client meeting, having to speak in front of people can be an incredibly nerve-wracking moment for many of us. Confidence is a key trait to have, but much of it is an act, and no matter how nervous you might feel inside, portraying a sense of confidence to other people in the room will help you to get ahead of the rest and stand out from the crowd. Everyone feels nervous at times, but being perceived as confident will help to make people warm to you. If

5 Tips to a Better Work-Life Balance

With what feels like an ongoing struggle with achieving the ideal work-life balance, recent research shows that two-thirds of British employees are not happy with their work-life balance. Sure, it’s not easy to achieve, but the work-life balance isn’t a myth.
As the workplace becomes increasingly competitive and the financial stresses of living in the city are on the rise, more of the population are finding themselves putting in extra hours at work. Which eats into what should be (much-needed) downtime.
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