15 CV mistakes that could be costing you interviews

Are you applying for jobs but not getting interviews?  Here are 15 CV mistakes that could be costing you interviews.


Your curriculum vitae (CV / or resume) is your first opportunity to impress a potential employer. It is your chance to showcase your qualifications, work experience, education, and skills. However, certain mistakes can cost you opportunities, and cause your CV to be passed over. 


In this article, we'll discuss 15 CV mistakes that could be costing you interviews, and how to avoid them.


  1. Spelling and grammar errors: Spelling and grammar errors can make you appear careless and unprofessional. Proofread your CV thoroughly, or ask a friend to review it for you.
  3. Using an unprofessional email address: Use a professional email address, rather than a personal or informal email address. Avoid using nicknames or inappropriate email addresses.
  5. Inconsistent formatting: Consistency in formatting is essential in creating a polished and professional CV. Use the same font, spacing, and formatting throughout.
  7. Not tailoring your CV to the job: Customise your CV to match the job requirements and description. Highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications that are most relevant to the job.  You could also include a covering letter to accompany your CV.
  9. Including too much information: Keep your CV concise and relevant. Avoid irrelevant or unnecessary information that does not relate to the job you are applying for.  In our opinion a 1 page CV is too few and 4 pages plus, too many... we aim for 3 pages.
  11. Using cliches and buzzwords: Using overused phrases and buzzwords can make your CV seem generic and unoriginal. Use specific examples and accomplishments instead.
  13. Focusing on responsibilities, not accomplishments: Instead of simply listing job duties, highlight your accomplishments and achievements. Use measurable results to demonstrate your impact.
  15. Not including measurable results: Use numbers, percentages, and other measurable data to illustrate your achievements and accomplishments. This shows your potential employer your ability to deliver results.
  17. Listing irrelevant experience: Focus on your most relevant and recent work experience. Avoid listing experience that is not relevant to the job you are applying for.
  19. Not including a professional summary: A professional summary is a brief overview of your skills, experience, and qualifications. It should be tailored to the job you are applying for.
  21. Including personal information: Avoid including personal information such as your national insurance number or political views, for example. This information is not relevant to your potential employer.
  23. Using an unprofessional photo: If you choose to include a photo, make sure it is a professional headshot. Avoid using casual or unprofessional photos.
  25. Including too much jargon: Avoid using industry-specific jargon that may not be understood by your potential employer. Use plain language to communicate your skills and experience.
  27. Using an overly complex layout: A simple and clean layout is best. Avoid using complex layouts, colours, or fonts that may distract from the content of your CV.
  29. Failing to proofread: Proofread your CV multiple times, and have a friend or family member review it for errors. Even small errors can cost you an opportunity.

15 CV mistakes that could be costing you interviews - In conclusion, your CV is your first impression, and mistakes can cost you opportunities. Avoid these common CV mistakes, and ensure your CV stands out for all the right reasons. With a well-crafted and tailored CV, you'll be one step closer to landing your dream job.   


We hope this 15 CV mistakes that could be costing you interviews article has helped, and we wish you every success with your job search! 


Need to add some more value to your job search?  


Read this article about 7 job search tips (Ref :JM-230321)



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