Jobs working from home

Working From Home? Here’s How to Be More Productive

2020 has been a tough year, and as social distancing measures came into effect, many businesses / employees began working from home. For many people, not having to commute into the office every day and having the flexibility (that working from home offers), is a huge bonus - but it also comes with its own challenges. One of the most significant hurdles facing employees who work from home is finding the motivation to keep working with a host of distractions. If you are working from home and are struggling to be as productive as you normally are, here are some top tips to help you maximise your output and achieve your best.  
  • Create a routine

One of the biggest challenges with working from home is falling out of a routine. Whilst there is far more freedom and flexibility with not having to go to the office, it is a double-edged sword, as it also means you do not have a start or end time. If you are looking to be more productive, ensure you start and finish your working day at the same time every day.  
  • Create a dedicated workspace

Another important way to boost productivity is to create yourself a dedicated space to work from. Whilst sitting on your sofa or spending the first hour working from bed might sound the ideal option, it is not an effective way of operating or conducive to work. Creating a dedicated space also helps to ensure that when you sit there, your mind is focused on the working day ahead.  
  • Listen to music

One of the benefits of working from home is that there are no disagreements about the office radio! Putting your favourite songs or radio station on whilst you are working has been shown to help improve productivity by putting you in a better mood and allowing you to focus better.  
  • Don’t stay at home

We all struggle for motivation at times, and if you are having one of those days, or you are lacking creativity, then don’t be afraid to get out of your home. Sometimes a walk around the block or working from a coffee shop for a while will help to re-energise your mood and allow you to boost your productivity.  
  • Switch off

There are many benefits to working from home, but it is also very easy to lose track of your working day and extend your hours. Over time, this can cause your productivity to dwindle, so focus on having a finishing point every day and make sure you switch off your computer and relax. This will ensure that you will be more energised and focused when you start afresh the following morning.  
  • Limit your distractions

When you work from home, it can be very easy to get distracted and lose focus. Try to limit your distractions by cutting out your use of social media and keeping the TV off. If drop-ins or phone calls from friends and family are becoming a distraction, make it clear to them that these are a distraction and set limits on when they should contact you during the day.   Want to LOOK MORE CONFIDENT in your next video meeting, take a look at: or looking to make the best FIRST IMPRESSION, try: Additional - How to write a killer EMAIL - Looking to be a JM&Co. Candidate?  Visit 

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